Motherhood in Winter 2016 | Frederick MD Family Photographer

April 19, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Way back when my baby was new and life wasn't full of birth classes and photo shoots, I decided to embark on a year long project to capture motherhood! This is part two - motherhood in winter. You can see part one from the Fall HERE.

What does motherhood look like in winter? Well, it looks cold and snuggled and is full of snow and playdates and indoor bounce houses and wet puddles and sunny days. It's about watching bellies grow, seeing friends lose their hair with grace and dignity, laugh when they're kids try on their wigs, throw snowballs at your kids, stay home and play with magnets... When you're in it, it feels like it's never going to end, and then just when you get used to it, the sun is warmer, the days are longer and the flowers start to grow...

Motherhood is full of boredom and craziness and tiredness and love and laughter and tears. We embrace it and cherish it and look past the long days and the short nights because one day, they'll be gone and things will be quiet and we will look back with happiness in our hearts.



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