Reminiscence part 11: Birth! | Frederick MD Birth Photographer

July 13, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

This is my last post from this Reminiscence series! Wow, what a year I've had! Thank you for joining me as I've gone back and looked over the year.  I've been amazed by the kind words and popularity of some of the posts!  

So, the end of this journey is really the start of the next...

I always had an interest in birth and pregnancy and babies, but when I was finally pregnant with my own baby I became obsessed!  As many people get over pregnancy and birth once their babies are born, I submerged myself in it all, I became a doula in the UK and helped other women prepare to give birth to their own babies.  I became pregnant again and moved to the US.  I always had a dream of doing birth photography, but it was set aside as I journeyed into living in a different country, negotiating the childbirth system and finding my new path.  If you're interested, I've written about all of these things on my other slightly neglected blog - CLICK HERE for the link!

As time has passed and my babies are growing up, I've delved back into the childbirth world.  I help organise the Frederick Birth Circle meetings, I do some doula work and I have been lucky enough to have been asked to do some birth photography!  With that, meet Rowen.

I didn't take birth photos for Rowen. I took 'after birth' photos! I did witness his birth, his mama was a powerful goddess and I will be in awe of her forever.  She swayed, she shouted, she laughed and filled the room with excitement, and she birthed her baby into the water after two hours of active labor.  I cried, we laughed, everyone hugged and I was privileged to take photos of Rowen's first exam and cuddles with Mummy and Daddy, before packing my things and heading home in the middle of the night.  

Birth is beautiful.

I'm nearly on call for another birth. I'm taking it slow. Taking one client a month for now, while I figure out balancing my photography work with my own family needs, but this is a world which makes me happy. It makes my heart sing and I sometimes feel like I need to pinch myself, to make myself believe that this is real, that two years ago I gave up my life and came to the US and look what has happened so far!

Thank you for joining me on my reminiscence journey!

One year down, many many more to come...


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