Bastian's home birth | Rainbow baby | Frederick MD Birth Photographer

November 22, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

The joy of being a birth photographer is never greater than when a friend tells you they are pregnant and that they'd like you to be there! After a long road, this family were going to meet their rainbow baby, and I was allowed to be there at their home birth in Frederick to capture it all with photography! From the sun coming up, to the sun going down again, from the love of a husband and their two children and doulas and midwives, this mama was surrounded with such a vibrant force of safety and protection, and she trusted her body to know what to do in labor and when to do it. What an honor to witness! Birth is truly beautiful, in all it's ups and downs and messes and tears and laughter! Welcome to the world baby Bastian. You are very loved by all.


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