Reminiscence part 7: Family sessions | Frederick MD Family Photographer

July 09, 2013  •  1 Comment

When I first started taking photos, I took photos of children. I love taking photos of little people. They can be funny and stubborn and friendly and shy and I never know what I'm going to face when I go into a session.  

Adults are a whole different ballgame!  Some of them are so comfortable in front of the camera, others don't know what to do. Some tense up when a camera points their way, while others shine and can act like it isn't there.  I'm not great in front of the camera, although I've tried to get better since I've started doing this as a business!  





















I really enjoy family sessions. I love the reasons behind them.  Family reunions, one year birthdays, new baby celebrations, Christmas, Fall, Spring, Summer!  





















My favourites always tend to be the 'outtakes', the candid shots that aren't meant to be the official 'pose'.  These always capture the families looking more relaxed and happy and I love to include them in the photo selections.

I've learnt so much from family sessions this year.  I've learned which locations work better than others, what kind of outfits to suggest if people ask, what poses can work for those with bigger families and for those with just a couple of people.  I've learned that bubbles should be used at the end of the shoot, because you'll never get a happy toddler once those bubbles get taken away!  





















Most of all, I've learnt how much I love to meet new people and take their photos!  I'm so lucky to be doing the things I'm doing, and I am so grateful for every shoot I get to be part of!



You are amaing, Lindsey!
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